How to create/remove the disk from the array
Mdadm is the modern tool most Linux distributions use these days to manage software RAID arrays; in the past raidtools was the tool we have used for this. This cheat…
Mdadm is the modern tool most Linux distributions use these days to manage software RAID arrays; in the past raidtools was the tool we have used for this. This cheat…
Increase your Linux server Internet speed with TCP BBR congestion control I recently read that TCP BBR has significantly increased throughput and reduced latency for connections on Google’s internal backbone…
If for some reason you do not use Network Manager (for example, if you use Linux without a desktop graphical environment), you can configure a static IP address on the…
A LAMP Stack is a set of open-source software that can be used to create websites and web applications. LAMP is an acronym, and these stacks typically consist of: Install…
Enabling gzip compression for a domain in Plesk gzip on; gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\\.(?!.*SV1)"; gzip_proxied any; gzip_comp_level 5; gzip_types text/plain text/css application/javascript application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/rss+xml text/javascript image/x-icon image/bmp image/svg+xml; gzip_vary…
WebMin (contraction of Web and Admin) offers a simplified administration solution for a Linux server from a graphical interface accessible via a web browser (remote administration possible). Thereafter, it is responsible for…
You will see one of the basics of security for managing your web applications . The monitoring of changes to your files . Indeed if you have a site in production the modifications of the source files will…
It is one of feature available in Linux operating system which is responsible degree to which the kernel prefers to swap memory to fulfil the system memory requirement. The parameter…
We will learn how to create email email account in Plesk.
How to install/remove Plesk additional components (like PHP, Spam Assassin, Fail2Ban, etc.)? Note: not all components can be uninstalled. Note: TCP port 8447 should be opened on the server. From…