Step 1: Install bind DNS on CentOS 8 | RHEL 8

We begin with the installation of the bind and bind-utils package. These packages constitutes dns server and its utilities responsible for querying name servers or DNS servers.

Execute the command:

# dnf install bind bind-utils

Once successfully installed, start the DNS server using the command below:

# systemctl start named

Next, enable it so that it can kick in even after a reboot

# systemctl enable named

Just to be sure that the service is running as expected, check its status

# systemctl status named

Step 2:  Configure bind DNS server

Usually, best practice recommends making a backup of a configuration file before making any changes. This is so that should anything go wrong, we can always revert to the original unedited file. And it’s no different here.

Let’s take a backup of the config file  /etc/named.conf

# cp /etc/named.conf  /etc/named.bak

Now go ahead and open the file using your preferred text editor. In this case, we’re using vim editor.

# vim /etc/named.conf

Under the ‘Options’  section, ensure you comment out the lines indicated below to enable the Bind DNS server to listen to all IPs.

// listen-on port 53 {; }; 
// listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };

Additionally, locate the allow-query parameter and adjust it according to your network subnet.

allow-query { localhost;; };

This setting allows only the hosts in the defined network to access the DNS server and not just any other host.

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