How to enable LSPHP 5.3 work with LiteSpeed webserver on CloudLinux cPanel server and MultiPHP Manager. (CentOS 6/7)

Make LSPHP 5.3 work with LiteSpeed webserver on CloudLinux cPanel server and MultiPHP Manager. (CentOS 6/7)

Login to LiteSpeed admin panel.

Go to General >> Configuration >> Server.

Click on External App >> Add.

Select Type as LSAPI App >> Next. (Attachment PHP5.3-1.png)

Fill the information as shown in below image and save. : (Attachment PHP5.3-2.png)

Click on ScriptHandler >> Add.

Fill the information as shows in below image and save. : (Attachment PHP5.3-3.png)

Graceful restart LiteSpeed.

Login to cPanel and go to MultiPHP Manager.

Select the version for subdomain/addon domain as alt-php53. : (Attachment PHP5.3-4.png)

Create phpinfo page under website and hit the URL. : (Attachment PHP5.3-5.png)

By anup